The unconventional Priorat

The Priorat is known for its wines and oil mills, for the Serra del Montsant, for charming towns like Siurana and places like Escala Dei but... do you want 7 recommendations to discover the lesser-known and unconventional Priorat these months of autumn?
Take the opportunity to come during the early December public holidays. If you stay three nights at the Hostal Sport, the third one gets a 15% discount!
Winter festivities
Who said that popular celebrations are summer thing? Winter in the Priorat is also loaded with traditional culture and popular festivals. One of them is the Festa de les Xiques d’El Molar, which is celebrated during the second week of December, an old tradition with cakes and jotes dancing.
Music festivals
Follow the Terrer Festival with proposals such as the Xarop de canya concert, on December 3rd at midday in Capçanes
Winter Full Moon
Limonium suggests you take advantage of the full moonlight on December 9th to walk through the flat and open spaces around Albarca, explaining the importance of the moon in mythology and religion, and making the first owl scouts, to introduce aspects about the nocturnal fauna of the Natural Park.
Soap making workshop
A workshop designed to introduce you to the main uses of olive oil, from the olive tree to the oil on your table: from a maceration for cooking to soap to remove stains from clothes, for therapeutic use, etc.
Do you dare to go paragliding?
To get a different perspective of the Priorat, we recommend a paragliding flight through the Serra de Montsant Natural Park.
Canokayak in Siurana
The most beautiful route is to go to the Toll del Forn, at the end of the swamp, where the river water enters. There is a pebble beach, a small waterfall and a pool of clean, fresh water. On top of the cliff, 250 meters above you, you can observe the Salt de la Reina Mòra, the Castle of Arab origin and the Romanesque church of the village of Siurana.
To Bellmunt, to visit the Mines Museum
After lunch at the Hostal Sport Restaurant, you can go to Bellmunt del Priorat. A small town with a mining past where you can visit the Mines Museum, a mining and metallurgical complex that was the most important in Catalonia in terms of lead extraction.
In the website you will find more proposals and the Priorat's monthly agenda, as well as all the details of the unconventional plans we are proposing you for this autumn. Remember that during the early December public holidays, if you stay three nights at Hostal Sport, the third one gets a 15% discount! Book now on 977 830 078